horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


There's something more than a little unnerving about having your hair cut by someone who is clearly more than a bit hacked off. He mellowed though, we ended up having a good chat, and my ears remained intact.

Got muttered at by a guy who almost lead his wife out into the road straight in front of me as I headed home afterwards. The fact he had a red man, and I had a green light, seemed lost on him. Haterz gonna hate etc etc.

Got a place in the fourth Super Quaich entry, which was nice. First of the four is at Rouken Glen on Sunday, and I'm just hoping the couple of weeks back using the hefty panniered Kaff will translate into flying along on the featherly-by-comparison Crosslight. Young guy at work today in the toilets declared, "You're the cyclocross guy." Turns out he knew who I was from some Press Room pieces I'd done or featured in. Fame at last. It's taken long enough. Later on got an email invite from him to a proposed summer lunchtime chaingang ride from the office. I'll likely be crucified on it, but what the hell, could be interesting. Though not as interesting as tomorrow and the comparison on the times taken to get to and from work, given the 45mph or so wind forecast....

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