
By ahnichols

AP Psychology Photo Journal 7

1) What is going on in the photo?
This is an image of my brothers profile. He is having an animated conversation with my sister in the living room of our home.

2) How is it related to a specific psychology concept from a current unit or previous unit?
This picture depicts my brother taking in information through his auditory canals, (ears) processing that information, and responding. I decided to link the image to the unit we did dealing with the human sense of hearing and processing auditory information in the auditory cortex of the temporal lobe of the brain. And then proceeding to respond to the information he took in.

3) Link the image to one of the perspectives of psychology and how it relates.
This image relates to the Biological perspective of psychology. The Biological perspective studies the physical basis for animal and human behavior and involves studying the brain.

Word Count: 106

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