Orchid Cactus Bloom

I was lucky to catch this lovely bloom before it wilted, three others had also bloomed this morning but had collapsed before I got up! They literally only last for a few hours. It's the orchid cactus - epiphyllum oxypetalum and there are quite a few more blooms almost ready to pop!

Fortunately today I'm starting to feel human again, so glad it's almost over!! It must have been something I ate but haven't managed to pinpoint what it was.

Took Toto for a short walk around the block this afternoon, he was thrilled and I was too it was so nice to get outside in the fresh air (hot fresh air!).

See the extra for a shot of a bunch of saw fly larvae that I stumbled across, if you don't like hairy caterpillar things don't bother looking ;o) It's always interesting to see them all looped together like this. They do make a mess of the gum trees though!

As a child we called them spitfires and were always told to stay away from them as they would spit poison at you. As a grown up with the Internet I've just learned that they do spit a bit as a protective mechanism but it's just eucalyptus juice! :o)

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