The sad story of - - - -

 - - -the Lobster

When we arrived last week there was a lobster swimming in the fish tank in one of the sitting areas.  KG was going to photograph him but  unfortunately didn't get around to it.  A few days later the lobster was missing and hasn't been seen since.  on enquiring of the hotel staff he was assured that the lobster had not been eaten but had escaped from the tank previously and had been found under the snooker table some distance away and returned to the tank
This has left to huge discussions as to what has happened to the lobster. KG's theory is that the lobster made a break for the sea (I must admit  I didn't get the significance of the snooker cue the lobster was holding) and drew a sketch to show the lobster escaping.  I think this is a bit far fetched and no doubt the lobster won't have survived out of water this long but no one knows where the lobster is!!
Another warm sunny day and after a walk along the promenade we adjourned to the hotel to sit in the shade and enjoy a coffee and a glass of wine

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