
A while ago we found a stone at Waulkmill, it is shaped like a standing stone but is only 8 inches high and is full of deep cracks. It looks very old and is full of character.

Today, Talisker needed an emergency visit to the vets. He has has a funny tummy on and off for a while but it became a bit more frequent over the last few days and has been looking a bit bony and shabby the last 24 hours. Quite soon after entering the vets examination room he felt it necessary to show the vet exactly what his poo looked like. At the moment she thinks he may have a food intolerance so is on a diet of rice and chicken along with a probiotic. Hopefully it will be that simple.

Myself and Gorgeous hooked up in the afternoon and walked the dogs, including Evie, in gusts of large hail stones. Blinding! We were then off to the big City of Kirkwall to see Pam briefly. Chip supper, a natter and a few glasses of wine later and we were headed home again. Far too short a visit.

The hail rages on outside.

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