Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


A day off work.
First, to let the plumber in to fix my boiler at 8am. A 2 and a half hour job.
I left before 9 to get to the psychiatrists. A long appointment with lots of chat. I am really worried about my short term memory and have had blood tests to rule things out and my GP says it's now down to the psychiatrist to answer my questions. He is sure it is the lithium and my anti depressant side effects.
Long story short is that I have agreed to start coming off my medication very slowly. Not just because of that , also because I am ready to try and withdraw from some. A scary road to go down but I'll have to do it. It will take a while as I take 17. From tonight I am to drop one lithium tablet and every morning take one less anti depressant. Each month drop another one , so when I am to see him in 4months I will be taking no anti depressants in the morning. Still my evening ones though. Then he tells me my next appointment will be my last one. The health board are changing areas and have dropped my doctor surgery from the area I am . So it's going to be all down to my GP to withdraw me from my meds. I don't feel comfortable with this at all. My GP has always said he isn't sure about lithium at all, and some other meds I'm on he's not sure either. It's not his fault, he's just not qualified in this area.

I also have found that I have a mouse. Found lots of droppings last night on my sofa and was woken with rustling noises in my bedroom. I am terrified of them and have set a trap with peanut butter .

The image above looks how my head feels. All over the place.   

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