Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Waiting for the bloom

It is flower Friday so I had to post this flower that is in my grocery store bouquet.   There are about 4 lilies that were just buds last week but now they are starting to open.  The best things about lilies is they do last a long time.

In the extras are two moon shots..of course the moon was not behind the same trees when I was awake.  I did get one of the moon clear and the branches blurred and one with the pine limb clear and the moon blurred.   I did set the ISO at 100 and shot in manual mode and also used the 2 second timer on my Canon.   I still think I can get both the pine limbs and the moon clear if I just keep fiddling around.  I did use both the center focus point and all the focus points with about 25 photos taken at different settings.     Got another idea for tonight!

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