Blue Flowers.

Had a phone  call late yesterday afternoon, from the hospital.  The gist of it was, that I had an appointment later in the month with a Neurologist, but they had a cancellation and could I go at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Of course, I said yes even, though I had no idea I was seeing a Neurologist.
My Dr. seems to be sending me to every specialist going.

Anyway this morning just as I was about to leave I get another phone call from the hospital.  A very nice lady asked me why I hadn't turned up for my appointment at 9 am!!!

I explained I was told 11 am, so she said just turn up as soon as you can.

Eventually, saw a very nice doctor, he put me through some tests.  Told me I had some spots in my brain, not unusual for my age!

The upshot of it was that the episode I had in November was probably a one off, and keep taking the tablets.

So another specialist off my list, not sure now how many more to go.

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