Like I feel

No snow for us this morning. Well, a few flurries on the way into work but nothing much and thankfully not enough for the kids to question whether the school would be shutting. A positive early parent meeting hopefully got a situation back on track and then the news that the training was cancelled which up-skittled my day somewhat. It was another day where the pace meant that it was over pretty quickly, although not before 6 students kept me company in an after school detention. They caused no hassle and  I decided I'd done my bit for the week by half four. 

A food shop for me and Bailey on the way home and then in to get our things packed for tomorrow. Bailey's off for a sleep over with the official Bailey sitter and his favourite and the bestest friend and I are off to Leeds to shop and go to the theatre. That plan has made a long week bearable. Bailey looks like I feel tonight but he was asleep long before me.

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