That time of year

The postie stopped for a chat this morning. These folk are in the firing line at this time of year from the hicane being sprayed on kiwifruit. This is a kiwifruit orchard having recently been sprayed. She told me this has been the worst year for her being affected by this stuff, hydrogen cyanimide. Rash on her face, feeling irritable, headaches, upset guts, nausea. These were the symptoms she went to the doctor with, they could find nothing. They dont have the ability to test for many chemical toxicity reactions. Dr finally asked if she'd been in contact with sprays. Just so happens she spends her days driving around these roads with the window open. Suggested remedy - change your job. Oh that makes it fine then doesn't it.

Added to that, last year there was a local initiative to mark spray activity with cones on the roadside and bags over the mailbox, turns out hardly any of the growers are using them.

All of this is in aid of increasing production. The industry says it cannot economically survive without this stuff. And then they make no connection between hitting their plants with this stuff and the industry at risk of falling apart from vine disease. And live in denial that this crap actually makes people sick and kills dogs.

rant over

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