Happy Daze

By Dazed

Christmas Dinner #2. I May Explode.

What a day.

Got up, tided up. Went to see my Dad, Stepmum, brother and sister where I was fed home made carrot and coriander soup and home made bread rolls. Went to my Nanna's where I was force fed Battenburg cake. Got home, had a quick shower and (token and pointless) go on the Wii Fit. Met Mr D from work and then met my Mum and Stepdad. We all went up to up to the in-law's and had great fun with the nieces (nices) and saw Mum-in-law, Dad-in-law, Nan-in-law, sister-in-law and brother-in-law. Had a whole other Christmas dinner and a laugh. Just got home at twenty past midnight.

Zzzzzzzz. But not too Zzzzzzzz for Blip, obviously :)

P.S. That is the bang end of a cracker in the foreground. Took me a while to work that out!

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