Life. Through my lens.


The Shoe Rack.

Yesterday when I turned my back on the shoe rack, it fell on top of me and buried me in shoes. It is the second time the rack has fallen over but the first time I was lucky enough not to be the one having holes punched in his head by the high heels.
Today I reconstructed the rack and used some glue to strengthen it. My son was keen to help out and so I set him the task of finding the pairs of shoes and lining them up so that they would be easier to put back in the rack when it was ready. After glueing the rack I left it near the window to dry and went outside to clean mud off the 4x4, leaving my son to continue matching shoe pairs. The moment of pure gold came when my sone had finished matching the pairs and comes running out to be to exclaim, "Daddy, daddy, come and have a look at how many shoes mum has got compared to how many you have got!"

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