Still have a .....

...... very fuzzy head!!!
But I just had to do a bit of shopping! I have the family coming to lunch tomorrow. I won't be cooking a roast tho' , it just has to be a one pot dish I'm afraid.
It's a certain someone's birthday today, so just a little celebration tomorrow tho, A sounded really rough this morning hope he hasn't caught the virus from me, I had thought it was the other way round as he seemed under the weather a few days before I got it!! However I think it was his P. Maker , apparently he slept better last night so this definitely needed correcting.
I just made the shopping , but was pleased to get home . I don't know how I walked up to the garage the pavement was so slippery , I'm just hopeless on my feet in the ice!! When I got home a lovely lad saw me struggling with my bag trying to balance , bless him he crossed the road and asked to help. What a God send that was. I don't know him or his name but thank you so much. ( just in case he should see this !!!)

Thankful ..... to get home and for helpful people around.

Happy birthday " A " x

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