
By j11arson

Impulse Confirmed

Another excursion originating at the local Enterprise...this time in Sacramento, CA.  Gene and I were back in the great state for a week and itching to take a trip.  Two days with a plethora of options in the late summer months.  Yosemite was discussed, an echo of Redwoods floated out there, what about Lake Tahoe?  As usual, last minute without real plans the decision was made.  "Fuck it...let's go to Big Sur".  Our weekend started on a Friday night, spent differently by my comrade and I.  Gene went out and partook in a few games of....whiskey, like a gentlemen of course.  I "slept" (I did not sleep) preparing for rough departure time of midnight.

12:30 am we're shooting down 80 West towards the Golden City.  My midwest roots always produce my logic at this point...Sacramento to Frisco/Milwaukee to Chicago.  Same distance.  2:15 we're rollin' over the Bay Bridge and I wake Gene from his slumber...his reaction was priceless (Gene's first time in the Bay).  "My dad is gonna dig this."  Apparently his dad had never set eyes on her either.  Glad I could help.

The drive is simple from here, all we have to do is swerve to 1 South and shoot down to glory.  But not before we cut up the hilly streets of San Francisco in the Dodge Dart without a car in site.

The stretch down 1 was easy going.  Halfway through we had to pull over and offer our blessings to the holy west coast.  It was a full bright moon overlooking the Pacific, sounds of waves crashing and retreating below us.  What a way to end the summer.

But it wasn't over yet, our first stop was in Monterey.  Before we could engage in our activities, we needed supplies.  Trail mix, bananas, oranges, beer, water, ok we're good.  Exit the Safeway to a California sunrise.  We scurry to the car and head to Pacific Grove.  The rush is worth it out here, 'cause in minutes the beaming rays can be swallowed up by the fog...and they were.  

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