
Up early (2nd Saturday in a row.  Somewhat surprising!) and went to weigh in.  Genuinely didn't believe I had lost anything, but it appears that for the first time in at least 5 years, I lost a little bit of weight last week.  Only 1.5 pounds, but hey, that's better than nothing.

Followed that with a trip to the gym.  Then home, changed and back out again to go to Dunham Massey for a walk with Corin.  The deer were out in force today.  A lot of the young bucks appeared to be developing their skills in locking antlers, with each other or with suitably sized branches from trees (see extras).

It is customary to partake of a cream tea when visiting a National Trust property.  Well, it is if you follow our code of conduct.  However, with trying to maintain my focus on the long term goal of dropping my middle age blubber, we chose to share a cream tea rather than having one each. Combined with the walk and the gym, I have walked nearly 8 miles today, so half of a scone with a teaspoon of jam and a teaspoon of cream is not going to ruin me!

Super healthy tea.  Turkey breast fillets cooked in a homemade sauce of passatta, garlic, onions, peppers, celery, worcestershire sauce, balsamic vinegar and jamaican jerk seasoning.  With spicy saffron potato wedges and mountains of spinich, rocket and celery.  It was lovely (and not too spicy).  Even the teenagers enjoyed it.

Soon to sleep.  Shopping in the morning, then a bit of work before driving James to rehearsal.  As long as his room is tidy.  All taxi services are now revoked until I have checked it has been returned to my standards, not the hovel that it was an hour ago.  I am not quite sure how his girlfriend puts up with it!

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