aging gracefully...

The elderly
Alongside dogs and children, elders occupy a prime place in the Dutch pantheon. The younger generation may be beginning to mutter about the 'grey plague', but they are firmly put in their place. Grey power sees to that; after a lifetime of toil, the '65-plus' brigade felt they deserved a bit of fun, formed their own political party, and suceeded in winning six seats in the national parliament.

Unfortunately old age was about all they coud agree on. A succession of quarrels split thier ranks so now they stand as independents,and seek satisfaction in representing themselves and in voicing a lifetime's opinions.

When the elderly are not campaigning for better pensions, they may be found belting their lungs out in a 'grey' vesion of the Eurovision Song Contest, cycling about the countryside and generally having the time of their lives.

Xenophobe's guide to the DUTCH

(Cr0cs weren't meant to be in the photo but -influenced by VW no doubt - they seem to appear everwhere!...)

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