.....what a superb day!

Blippers of course know that being part of this site is a "tonic" for life!

Proof positive again today when we took a run up to the "Blip Central "here in Oz.... Blackheath.

Maybe you are not aware, but Blackheath holds the highest concentration within a small area, that I am aware, many long standing "solid" long term Blippers?

Had reason to catch up with two of the most talented and wonderful "oldies" Jolang and husband Curt. She had been most supportive toward Alice with some of her "craft talents", and now wanted to pass on a gift to Hayley. Could not resist showing some of Curt's handy work here! The model of a viking ship he has made from scratch out of old timber and even crafted a mould the make the side shields and designed a mould to achieve the "wind blown" sail effect. 

Earlier we caught up with Hobbs and his wife Normas for a wonderful lunch and chit chat. Thank you both much appreciated.

We then headed to meet up with Isbi and Hobbs to check out some of Penny and Geoff's handy work at their exhibition. See one of Geoff's masterpieces in extra.

Aside of the Blippers already mentioned you maybe aware also in the Blackheath group of Blippers are Walking Wombat who I see we missed after them getting home. Also, Trish who was in Sydney, and Adele in the blip there second left. And, Lyle T, plus 59 who lives just over the range.

So, as you can see no probs with keeping up with a Blipper of three in Blackheath!

Thanks all for a superb day.

Enjoy, and have a look in LARGE

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