A Snapshot a Day

By AgathasMum

The Last Supper

Nick's last night at home before going back to UMD.

We always take the kids out for one last decent meal before they have to live off cafeteria food. This year he'll be in an apartment without a mealplan, so this will be his last decent meal before fending for himself!

Nick picked curry and because Tom had the lunch buffet at the India Palace earlier in the week, we thought we'd eat there.

Our thoughts were mixed...

The Mixed Tandoori Appetisers hadn't been anywhere near a tandoor for several hours. My guess is that they were left over from the lunch buffet and had been zapped in the microwave. Thumbs down.

Nick loved his Chicken Tikka Masala. Kate was undecided over her coconutty lamb. Tom thought his Chicken Madras was great, I thought it tasted a bit strange. My Shrimp Dopiaza tasted of iodine, and gave me a migraine by Friday morning. Best dish of all was the Mattar Paneer.

Don't think we'll be rushing back.

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