'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Swan Lake ...

... or Swan Like.

You definitely have to be a bit of a swan when the boys are around!  Calm on the top paddling like mad underneath it all!

Three beautiful things:

Continuing the outdoor theme today and being able to share a favourite walk with the boys.  On the whole successful once we had got past the parts we needed to be quieter!  Needless to see little wildlife was seen but they did enjoy negotiating muddy paths and tricky trails.

The woodpecker making an appearance twice today at the garden feeders and pointing her out to the boys followed by looking in the bird book.  Its the little experiences that make the difference.

A very chilled afternoon of cooking, baking some jam tarts and just relaxing before taking the boys home. Definitely a 'Bisto Gravy' kind of Sunday.

One thing to be grateful for:

'Its called a joke Heather - something you will learn about when you grow up.' As spoken by a very wise 6 year old!

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