Root Pruning, and Repotting......

   I have had a wonderful weekend at bonsai.  The weather was beautiful, neither too warm or to cold.  Saturday there were 30-40 people there all day, Sunday there were 16-25.  I apologize for the dark photos, in advance.  Everything is under Grand Daddy Oaks and very little light comes through.

In my collage, the process of root pruning is photgraphed, top to bottom,  L to Rt.  The top, Lt picture shows a maple tree, rather poorly I admit, that has had it's roots combed out and rinsed clean.  The man holding the tree over his head , is 6'4" tall,  The roots are roughly 3 ft long... the top Rt,  shows the roots being cut off...  the red splotch is a pair of scissors cutting the bottom 3/4 of the roots off.  When the root tips are pruned like this, this very healthy tree will start regenerating more roots...  in it's cycle.  I thought the mass looked like spaghetti squash!  The middle Rt picture is the placed in it's bonsai pot, there was a vibrant discussion going on over where the front was, turn a little left, or right,  move forward or backward.  Then the discussion went to a couple of the large roots on the bottom Rt of the trunk.    The last bottom, Rt picture shows where a single, thick root was finally chosen to be removed.  You can see the white spot where it is gone.
    The bottom, Rt picture shows a Mexican Hat tree that has had it's branches wired.  I chose to add this picture because the tree has sparse leaves and you can see the wire that has been placed at a 45 degree angle. (The angle most effectively bends the branch without stressing it enough to crack).

I had a wonderful weekend, got 6 of my deciduous trees repotted and out of the mud.  Because there were so many people, I was tapped to help others; I will go back this Tuesday and finish working on my trees.   Tomorrow I will photograph the one tree I got done and tell you what was accomplished.  I hope you have a great week, mine is starting off with a bang!!!!

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