To the sea

Another lacuna in my blipping to be backfilled. The demands of building our long bridge to Italy are just quite demanding.

Today The Boss was off to Croatia, as is she didn't have enough on her plate. After the airport drop I thought I might as well profit from being at the citly limits, even though somewhat underdressed.

The weather, as it turned out, was very mild despite the Polar vortex sweeping across eastern Europe. Later I saw snowdrops out at the Botanics. And an early rhododendron.

I swung around to South Queensferry and walked along the track to the point on the way to Dalmeny House. The spring tide was well out and the sun was up.

This is looking towards Leith and Edinburgh over the widening Firth of Forth. Might look good in large although taken with the phone.

I later heard that all was well in Zagreb.

Only then did I realise that the book I had pulled out of a recycling bin days earlier was called - wait for it - 'The Lady from Zagreb'.

That's me up to date again.

Thank you for the comments over the last days.The news on Brexit and Trump just gets worse.

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