

A parenting mixed bag today. Arrived at the Accountants and agreed Friday off to go on Smallest's school trip as requested by his class teacher. Only a phone call just after lunch put paid to that plan! He had hit a class mate while coming in from lunch time 'play' and was no longer allowed to go.

I got to school for Princess's London trip meeting - all tremendously exciting! She will be going to see 'Matilda' which is one of my favourite musicals!

Then continued on to a meeting with the school Senco and Executive Head. Long story short, finally he is going to be assessed to check there are no underlying reasons for his behaviour. Hopefully he will also be seen by the Ed Psych. In addition, he is now in practising hand writing every play time and lunchtime as his writing is illegible - a dyslexia test is to be done too.

This was followed by a meeting with his class teacher and the play therapist he has been seeing for the past 12 weeks. I have very mixed feelings about the play therapy - clearly it's not helping at school!

We walked home and collected Eldest to go on to her post mock parents evening. Thankfully a very positive evening with constructive advice and lots of recognition of the hard work she is putting in!

By the time we got home after this, it was time to dash out to get Eldest to Explorers - MrRoly got in shortly after and I got caught in a hail shower - the closest we got to snow :-(. Thankfully the wonderful MickeyJohn brought Eldest home as I was feeling drained by 8pm!!

For some reason, Princess and Smallest were on top form this evening - possibly trying to cheer us up? I don't know if the picture is an insight into a troubled soul or just a seven year old little boy who has a wonderfully funny sense of humour

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