Flying high

It was a surprisingly nice day after a dark start the sun soon came out and I spent all morning in the garden. Mild too so David and myself sat outside and enjoyed a cup of tea and lunch.
I was surprised to see so many bulbs shooting up. Looking forward to a colourful garden in the Spring. I could do with some more plants for the hanging baskets as the viola are looking rather tired.
Unfortunately a lovely tree creeper crashed into one of the windows and did nt make it :( It did give me a chance of having a close look at a bird that is hard to see close by. I was amazed at it's sharp curved beak, the shape of it's tail feathers and the wonderful colours , a mix of browns and whites, of it's feathers. Poor little thing.
As I was gardening I was deafened by the bird song, they were all soo loud and then came the cries of three buzzards soaring high above me.

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