Assume the position

This is Cooper's pre-food position (whether or not said food is for him). I took it first thing this morning because I knew I would have blurry eyes after having my pupils dilated at the eye doc this afternoon. Which is my segue into an actual conversation had with said eye doc:

Doc: well, you have a cataract forming in your left eye, which could be the cause of your vision change.
Me: what??? A cataract?!
Doc: it's actually fairly normal - they usually start when you're in your late 50's.
Me: but I'm in my EARLY 50's!!!
<insert awkward pause>
Doc: well, my mom's your age and she had a cataract removed a couple of years ago, so...
Me: Yeah, but how old does she look?

So, naturally I came home and got on the treadmill, after which I had a big vodka drink - the first to get rid of the outrage, the second to get rid of, well...everything else, I guess.

Just kidding. I don't have a glass that big :)

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