La vida de Annie

By Annie

Día de San Antonio.

Pets waiting in line in the street for the annual blessing by the priest, on behalf  of St. Anthony. Buster initially went ballistic when he saw his first horse, but was stunned into silence as many more appeared, along with hundreds of dogs, budgies and anonymous creatures in carriers. One dressage horse was dancing in step to the drumbeats the whole time. The Giants made their usual appearance (no fiesta is complete without a giant or two), and their garments, along with the priests' surplices, were blowing everywhere in the wind. The turnout was quite small this year as the weather was icy cold with intermittent rain - the policeperson in the extras was particularly suffering. When it was the Yorkies' turn I noticed that the priest laughed happily as he sprinkled each creature in line. Everyone was smiling, the pets were well-behaved, and a lovely festive atmosphere prevailed. I feel especially blessed as I got the majority of Minnie's share of holy water right in the eye.

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