'What Are You Looking At?"

Well I went over to the swamp this afternoon because it got quite warm and
I strongly suspected some alligators would be out. (we actually broke the previous record of 76F in Myrtle Beach today getting up to 79F)
I was right, I did see 5 or 6, but they were all hunkered down napping in among the reeds and swamp gunk so I couldn't get any particularly clear views of them.
It was a shame because there was a real monster out there but his head was completely obscured from view. I thought a photo of just his tail and body wouldn't quite have the same impact without seeing that T Rex head of his.
So... we have a turtle. Yup, that's right, a turtle. A possibly annoyed turtle that did not seem to be at all happy about me shoving a camera in his face.
Oh well.

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