
We've been having troubles today - Polly the "Crazy Cow" decided she had had enough of our paddock and her wee friend Pippy and jumped over the fence to the neighbours (again). 
Poor Doug he was pulling his hair out, and there isn't an abundance there any more.  It seems our electric fence has been shorting out somewhere, but just where - he walked the boundary numerous times, finally giving a call to one of our farming neighbours to ask if we could borrow his fence tester.  He arrived and helped Doug get it sorted.  Overall, this took a number of hours.
Then we had to bring said "Crazy Cow" back, which surprisingly wasn't too stressful.  So now we are on watch!!!  She best behave or she may end up in plastic bags in the freezer earlier than expected. 

While this was happening this lovely Monarch was spotted and I got the call to come see.....looking beautiful, brand new and much larger than I've seen before.  Feasting on the white clover heads.  Not a perfect photo like I've seen on here, but the best I could do, down on my tummy slowly getting closer then off she would go, to settle again not too far away.

A day without any computer work, bliss and now its raining this evening.



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