
By BikerJim

~Led Zeppelin's Going To California~

~Can't Get That Song Out Of My Head~

Well, in about seven hours I'll be cresting those mountains, following those clouds and going where the sun hasn't set yet, California. Won't be writing much tonight as I need my sleep for tomorrows 450 miles through two deserts. For those 8 hours, or more, I'll be in the saddle of ol' No.9 as we travel through the Sonora and Mojave Deserts. At about 200 miles into the trip I'm expecting temperatures above 105. But a man's got to do what a man's got to do.

By the way, the lyrics in that song have nothing to do with anything I'm dealing with now. Well, except for the next few words after "Going to California . . . . . .
with an aching in my heart!"

See ya from the road, I'm hoping to continue posting while traveling. Though one never knows about internet connections and other problems I might encounter.
But I'll give it my best, see ya, TucsonJim ;o)

Hold on buddy, I'm coming!

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