The voice of women

Travelling today, lots of time on my hands for free fall thinking.   

Today, as thousands world wide marched to express their frustration and strength, I decided that my response to the Trump would be to pass the 3.5 hour flight time making this little sketch of my Mum who was one of the strongest women that I have ever known, who throughout her adult life was a staunch advocate for equality, including women’s rights for independence financially.  One of my favourite stories being when trying to purchase a reel to reel tape recorder in the very early sixties, on credit, or hire-purchase as it was then called, she was told that as a married woman, she could not sign the financial loan forms - her husband’s signature was required.  My mother explained in no uncertain terms that it was she who wanted the item and it was her salary that would pay for it and either the store manager accepted her signature, or no sale.   We used that tape recorder for years. In fact there is a recording of my childish voice singing silly songs, still stored in the loft though the recorder is long gone. 

The sketch is copied from a little photograph I have of her aged 16 in 1948 (extra).  It isn’t finished, and I seem to have given her a wonky nose, but I ran out of time to put it right.  Most importantly, it channelled my reflection away from the Trump of intolerance on a day that was dedicated to the voice of women world wide. (Inspiring photo series here: New York Times and here NBC News)

For the record, it was one of the easiest, most peaceful journeys from sunshine to sunshine with lots of Europe in between. Home by 15.00, bro called for a couple of hours, and a quiet evening with home delivery Indian dinner and rubbish TV. 

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