Celtic connections

That time of year again. We went to see Laura Marling with the BBC SSO but discovered the first half had a variety of other people. The stand out from the first half was Karine Polwart with her new track about Mary McLeod leaving the aisle of Lewis for America. Her son is the new president of the USA. Karine followed this with her song cover your eyes about the golf resort in Aberdeenshire and the awful treatment of the locals. Powerful. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04q5cmf

Laura Marling was amazing in the second half. Wtheres a link from the previous page. hat a talent she is. I've been keen to see her for a few years and I would rush to get tickets for her next gig.

The whole show should be on bbc2 on 29th January, so well worth a watch.

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