
By scribbler

Duking it out on the news rack

Ay, caramba and oy vey.
Headlines: The local Oregonian and Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal.

"America First" shouts the Oregonian. Skillfully calling attention to Trump's deplorable use of a pre-World War II slogan of American ultra-nationalism, fascism, and anti-Semitism? Hard to tell because the headline has already disappeared from their website. But an online column by Ruth Marcus sums up the inaugural address to a T. 

Trump's clenched fist address
"This will be the presidency of the raised fist, not the outstretched hand.
[Trump] stokes the worst in us, with his offensive invocation of America First and his dark vision of America in ruins."

The Wall Street Journal, trumpet of billionaires, alternatively gives us an oily prophecy:
The Trump Era Dawns
"We are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people."
Do the half million people who marched in Washington and the half million who demonstrated in Los Angeles believe this? Do those who gathered with signs in London and Paris and Stockholm and Madrid and Helsinki and Cape Town and Auckland believe this? Do you believe this?
Don't believe everything you read in the papers!

Speaking of which, did you see the new White House Press Secretary give the gathered journalists an inarticulately read tongue-lashing — for what he claims are incorrect reports on the comparatively low number of people attending the Trump inauguration — and then leave the podium without taking a single question? 
Message: "If you don't write nice stuff about us, we won't play with you." Not exactly the role of the press! Especially if it requires them to lie. 
Journalists of the world, we depend on you to help us speak truth to power. Remember Lincoln Steffens and keep raking the mud!

I pray that the truth which sets us free will continue to be known and cherished and shared from sea to shining sea and throughout the towns, villages, and cities of our beautiful blue planet. 

Extra: So lovely to be back in the pool! 

I'm inspired by Anniemay's comment to make this addition:

The blatant lies we keep hearing, lies that are easily disproved by hard evidence but keep being repeated ("more people at this inauguration than at Obama's"), are a propaganda technique embraced by Adolf Hitler in 'Mein Kampf.' The Big Lie. We would do well to be aware of the power of the Big Lie and try to protect ourselves against it. I highly recommend an article on the Big Lie Stratagem and the link it contains to a video by Dilbert creator Scott Adams that details the Big Lie technique and shows examples of it in our recent political events. 
Keep awake!

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