Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Rig of the day

On daily orders in the Royal Marines there is a small sub-section which specifies the clothing to be worn at first parade the following day, it's known as "Rig of the Day." Somehow we always end up wearing the same colours. Today is red shirts with blue trousers. Blond hair is optional.

The one on the right threw a paddy just after this was taken, he is cream crackered after a very busy 10 days. The explanation about gravity, Grandpa's paw and his backside was absorbed and digested. Again!

The two of us then went for a stumble and met the farmer who had been inspecting his straw crop, having already harvested the wheat on Saturday. The ground and the straw are sodden, so he may well lose it all if we don't get a few dry days which will allow machinery onto the land and get the straw turned. He also told me how a small black and white cat had remained trying to hide in the crop as the harvester gradually got closer, he had stopped and tried to chase it out but it remained in the wheat. Poor thing must have been nicked by the harvester as there's a body just up the lane. No collar, no ID so somewhere close by is an owner waiting the long wait. I'll give the farmer his due, he put out a message on Radio Cornwall and was genuinely upset about the animal, he has asked around but nobody knows who owns it. Not many folk would make such an effort.

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