Louis' TV Debut

Louis the Chaco Owl, newbie owl at the Castle, got his TV debut today with filming for ITV. He was so chilled and a natural with the camera. In a few weeks he'll be free flying in training for demonstrations and experiences, then eventually as a ring bearer for weddings.

But first he needs to shed a few ounces to be fit to fly. He weighs a little more than a bag of sugar but is a little on the heavy side for flying after his recent moulting.

Behind the scenes between filming Khan the Steppe Eagle was flapping about desperate to get in on the action. Meanwhile the young Kookaburras were chortling away competing for attention. The Owls on their perches chirped away asking for food and the Kestrel did its usual 'catch the pigeon' routine i.e. flapping its wings trying to take off but not going anywhere just like in the wacky races.

The sun was beaming this afternoon in stark contrast to yesterday's chilly weather making for beautiful pictures (news clip due to air this weekend on ITV Meridian News Kent and Sussex if you're interested). Looking forward to more flying of a feathery variety again soon. I wish I could be a falconer, what a lovely job!

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