
An arrangement had been arranged today whereby a Visit would occur from a local dignitary and her husband. Several weeks' warning had been given in order that everyone including Nicky and I would be prepared, properly washed, combed and decently arrayed in their finest clothings for such grand company. Mother had even gone so far as to hoover and make extra food as if there wouldn't be enough food around anyway.

Then they cancelled with half an hour to go on the grounds that as it was a nice day they were going to swan off and do something else.

Which didn't go down too well.

I'd rather been hoping that the dignitary's unfortunate religious leanings (usually restrained in the presence of known Unbelievers) might be amused by such irreligious devices as father's present of a copy of God is not Great lying around prominently and the mantlepiece's augmentation by a rather festive card he received from an unknown source depicting a usually dull and sombre religious death scene enhanced and somewhat brightened by the subtle Photoshopped addition of coloured fairly-lights. Hopefully when their visit is rescheduled the card will still be on display though the possibility of such as visit is rather small considering the considerable disgruntlement of the parents.

In the end we popped out for a nice walk along a slightly different bit of the relatively-newly-tarmac-ed section of NCN route 1 along the former railway beside the Witham along which I went on Wednesday. Not many cyclists today though cyclists on proper cycle paths in Linconshire seem to have a strange ability sadly lacking in most of the cyclists seen around roads in the village of being able to select the correct gear for their speed. Perhaps there's an opening to run classes demonstrating this rare skill to the various codgers seen straining their way along Station Road with their heels on the pedals.

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