Eye to Events

By i2events

On Every Corner

The life of the South Wales valleys are inscribed in lines of terraced houses, that once held within them, the story of their owners.Their individual deeds created the alphabet, cast as words formed from homes that made up the sentance. Rows of lines that once held verse of the vernicular and vernacular. Conjunctions and phrases and misplaced superlatives that described dysfunctional events .Capital letters that labelled the roads by the ambitions of their capatalists owners greed Each street now punctuated by PVC doors and the odd takeaway. The lengthy terraces grouped to form paragraphs that build the chapter of a theme of community. Tethered like joined up writing, not all grammatically correct, but legible, nonetheless. The book has many plots running through its pages, although the chapters are all written the same. They all follow the same story although the characters vary. Names that became nouns, that became legends of the street. A compelling story that depends on you taking time out to read their words. To ponder ones imagination and look beyond the twitching curtains.
It is not every day I get chauffeured around, but today my Daughter took me out in her little Aygo. It at least gave me the chance at trying this.

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