Daffs Snaps

By Daff

I wondered lonely as a cloud . . . .

that floats o'er Woodmill aquaduct
when all at once I saw a host
a crowd, of golden plastic ducks
at least a thousand did I see
and all on sale for fifty P!
They stretched in never ending line
and floated gently round the bend
canoeist coaxed them on their way
towards the finish line they did send
the first one past the judge's chair
declared the winner fair and square!

Crumbs! where did that lot come from - I'm not normally the poetic kind and, I know - 'don't give up your day job' I hear you cry!

but today being August Bank Holiday Monday it was the Lyons Club Annual Duck Race along the River Itchen from Mansbridge to Woodmill, raising lots of money for local charities. Worth looking at in large! More photos here if you can be bothered!

Thanks for all the stars and comments for yesterdays Gold :)

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