Exposure to Light

By ExposureToLight

Intentionally Moved

026 — ICM

Today's assignment from the book "Vision 365: Mastering the Everyday Practice of Seeing": set your camera to 2 or 3 seconds exposure and move it up and down when you press the shutter.

I've had a quick try at intentional camera movement before so I was comfortable going out and shooting for this subject.

One problem though was in the rush to leave for work this morning I headed out without my camera. With no shutter priority mode on the iPhone camera, this was a problem.

I recalled buying an app a long while back for taking/faking slow shutter speed photos on an iPhone. Since it can't control the shutter it uses multiple exposures blended together to create the effect.

Throughout the day I shot a few subjects, unfortunately I made the classic mistake of assuming this app would work similarly to other cameras apps and save each image to the camera roll after taking a photo. Not so.

You have to manually choose to save each image which I ignored. Once again the sun had set for the day so I shot a few ICM photos of buildings and people on my way home.

Here's on quickly processed in vsco. Thanks for looking.

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