
By mydayblipped

Sad Kitty

Did absolutely nothing of nothing today except take Charlie to the vet.
Got a letter in a week or so ago to say that there was a faulty batch of microchips kicking about when Charlie was chipped and had to take him to the vet to see if his was faulty.

Poor Charlie does NOT like the cat box one bit. At least we've got a new top-loading one.

Originally when he would see the cat box come out, he'd scarper under my daughter's bed, in the furthest corner possible and it'd be a chase to catch him. The first time I had to put him in the cat box myself, it took about an hour and lots of scratches. My husband told me it'd be easy...hahahaha that was until I made him do it the second time round and he soon found out otherwise.
The last one we had, he could get his paws through the bars and open the door latches. One time we took him to the vets (after a frantic escapade round the house trying to get him in the damn thing) he managed to unlock the box and ran, almost in to someone's garden.

Top loading cat box means lift, in, lock. Thankfully today he didn't need to come out of it to be scanned.

He meows so much in it too..poor Charlie.

Microchip is fine by the way

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