Kiss me Quick, it's raining

A grim day but decided to grab the bike by the horns and get out. Somehow managed to sneak in a 33 mile ride.

Don't ask me how , I have no idea, this time a week ago I hadn't ridden in decades . I think maybe all that running gives me the slight edge of insanity required to go out on a day when frankly I should have been in bed with a few good books some determination .

The weather was as good as the Manchester marathon day and the tow path became a quagmire that would make Glastonbury look like a clean place to go .

Absolutely brilliant

Went to Skipton for a drink mid way and this is the only photo I have all day. Despite the glorious views earlier on the rain would have killed my iPhone camera.

Decided not to buy a brolly as despite being a bike expert after only three rides, even I couldn't pull off the look of a clown riding a unicycle one hand.

It's all good . I feel very alive . I am already planning some bike events.

Right I have a pile of clothes and a kangaroo ruck sack that look like I was mud wrestling with them on. Best sort them out, a bit of spit and a dab with a flannel and they should be fine .

More mud

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