This is my third attempt of printing this journal, don't know why but it would not publish.
Freezing, sunny day, had a lovely coffee morning with two sets of neighbours, which was lovely to catch up. Then a dog walk and later on in the afternoon took Daisy down to the Care Home, from there I took her to the loch as I still had no blip. My extras are the Care Home and the Pink Footed Geese which had just arrived at the loch.
I feel terrible, but I am finding it hard to keep up with comments at the moment, I just don't seem to get other things done, so I will still look at all your wonderful photos and leave stars and hearts and comment now and again, hope you understand. Please do not bother to leave me comments as it will make me feel bad if I don't do the same. Thank you so much in advance for being so understanding.
Thank you for all the lovely stars and hearts for yesterday's blip.xx

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