A MIMent In Time

By justmim

I'll be honest, the photo choice for today was between this or a series of old glasses/new glasses selfies.

A strange ol' day and one in which I was reminded that I really do like people. That sounds silly, I know. But in the latter part of my PhD I think I forgot a lot of the things that I really enjoy, like the favourite piece of clothing that's fallen down the back of the wardrobe. It's still there, but after having lost out to other choices over time it got pushed to the back and then forgotten. Then it gets found again, it feels good and familiar, and you remember why you enjoyed it so much in the first place.

So yes, people. Spending time with people. Real, heart sharing, honestly open, life doing time with people. Laughter, too, when there is space for that. Hopefully often. There were other things, too - baking and reading and walking and creating. But catching up with a friend over lunch, sharing my experiences with new PhD students, enjoying easy end of day chat with my colleague on the train, laughing & learning together at Growth Group then laying on Hannah's floor chatting with her & Mei. Those were all things that I think I stopped really enjoying, perhaps even started avoiding in those final weary months.

So, yes, I like people. I have missed having time and energy to spend freely with people, some especially so. Here's to a year of reconnecting with familiar faces and getting to know new friends along the way.

As for the picture? We are taking a couple of weeks in GG to go through "Enjoy Your Prayer Life". I have read it before but it is so quick and easy to read that it is very easy to just quickly read and not take it in. Reading it aloud in the group, being honest about our struggles and pointing each other to the hope that we have in the gospel was a real joy.

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