
By OzGeoff

The Garden Project

Last year's major home project was landscaping the back garden - a bit behind schedule but who cares?  This is a rain garden I built with the assistance of a couple of brickies who laid the sandstock bricks. Whilst I was OK laying the footings I didn't want feature walls to display some of the features of my work and Lorraine came across a couple of guys repairing a front fence a few doors up the street.  They were quite characters, one fellow was 72 and very entertaining except I had no beer left by the time they left.

This garden is designed to capture stormwater so I needed to re lay some of the lawn to get the flow correct although it hasn't rained adequately yet to see if it works.  We aimed to create a creek setting; the log was supplied by our son who scouted the Lake Macquarie area until he found the right one.

Lucky, the cat, has decided it is her wall and frequently sits and acts as a sentry.

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