A present from a friend

Successful day considering the weather. 
Got another trailer load of horse poo delivered; eight wheelbarrow loads moved across the garden and tipped onto a new pile. The muck we had during the summer/autumn should have matured by the spring but this stuff will not be ready until summer so needs to be keep separate.
Also finished putting the frames around the new orchard trees. There are 12 of these planted in April last year, in metre squares cut in the lawn. Once planted I covered the open ground with weed fabric and then covered this with slate. Unfortunately the weeds and grass had invaded the slate and the planting looked a mess. Hence the frames but clearing the stones and weeds to put these in place was not a quick or clean job. 
When you think how wet and cold it was and how dirty and rough on the hands the jobs were you will realise how grateful I am for this present. Thank you sir.

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