A MIMent In Time

By justmim


But look how lovely it is!

After a better night's sleep the day went by without too many yawns. I had some printing & binding to organise in the morning which took a little more running around than it usually would but it was nice to have an excuse to be up from my desk. Then in the afternoon I finally sent my amended thesis to print after 3 weeks of checking, re-checking and then pure stalling! Having managed to get most of the rest of my to-do list out of the way I was able to tidy & clean my desk before putting an end to the working week.

First Rainbows back ended up being a lot of fun despite having no specific plans beyond getting the girls to chat about they want to do this term and playing some games. We are all definitely glad of the bigger space that the new building provides!

Walking back to the flat, and then while I pottered, I enjoyed a fab phone call with Cam. It's great to have him back on British soil and not need to work around time zones or WiFi availability to have a catch up.

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