
D went across to Dunfermline to the fitba' (under a three-line whip to take his Yaktrax, just in case) while I went up to town to give a tutorial. In an effort to compensate for my one-armed presentation style I probably did a bit too much or too fast - they looked somewhat stunned, the poor souls.

Afterwards I found I'd just missed a bus and it was peeing with rain so I went across to the pub for a pint and some warmth. (A Foxy Lady, from Jedburgh - only 3.8% and very tasty). I was struck, as I had been last week, by the sight of the extraordinary beast in the photograph on the pub wall - it's one of the chimera on Notre Dame, but what a chimera! It has a graceful posture and appears slightly wistful with that turn of the head and the folded hands (paws?). But it appears to have a human woman's breasts, apparently modelled on a woman not in the first flush of youth. What can it all mean?

If I'd known I would have to blip this as the only photo I'd take today, I'd have made more of an effort to avoid the reflections. Tant pis.

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