
By lindsaycookify

The tongue of concentration

Busy, busy day. Nice slow start with Mr C going off to do Stevenage parkrun while the rest of us played with lego. Then they went to swimming and I went to Parliament Hill Fields in London to take part in the Southern Cross Country championships. I am slow but I didn't come last and almost enjoyed my 5ish mile slog up and down hill. I was also pleased it wasn't as muddy as it has been in the past!
We all went to a 50th birthday party in the evening, children were welcome but they all went a bit crazy which I found quite stressful, we extracted our lot at 9 and Mr C dropped me off at my friend's house to meet up with my NCT group who were having a takeaway. I had a lovely time. Meanwhile he went home and #3 was sick all over the kitchen...I had a lucky escape!

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