Birthday Treats

The first was to wake up to a frosty , bright morning with snow on the Grampians.  Then it was having breakfast made for me (scrambled egg with smoked salmon), followed by cards and gifts.  Telephone calls from family and friends added to my lovely day and then it was out for a quick lunch in Perth before visiting the Concert Hall for a wonderful Piano Sunday performance by Lars Vogt, a young German pianist and conductor.

We met up with several friends who joined us for a drink afterwards, before going for a delicious Italian mean with our two closest friends, L & A.  They had even arranged with the restaurant for a birthday cake to be served at the end of the meal, complete with candles - much to my embarrassment!  And yes, of course I had a slice:-)

The only downside to the day was the drive home in thick fog on icy roads, with a temperature of minus 4 degrees in parts!  We made it safely and live to enjoy another year:-)

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