
By Nairnite

I'm lost!

The walk started well this morning. Milly was adamant that she was going to visit old smell haunts. As a consequence she dictated the pace and direction. This gave me a chance to ruminate and cogitate on the possible contents of future blip photo's.

We will lose the early morning light soon so I may have to change subjects. This is a rare chance to indulge in deep contemplation as I am in possesion of the family brain cell this week. I am after my son who always passes it on uncharged so it takes a little time to get it up to full speed. I had got as far as the vexing question as to what to have on my morning toast, chunky marmalade or honey when Milly stopped to sniff this shoe.

I carried on walking, then stopped. Milly had lost interest and gone to pastures new. I walked back thinking how lonley it looked. It had been out overnight because there was morning dew on the sides. It was only a size 4, not even grown up. It set me to thinking of a cold little foot somewhere that had 5 little piggies. Did one get to market and did the other truly stay at home. Did one enjoy his roast beef whilst the other starved? When this little shoe fell off that foot did the last little piggy go wee, wee, wee to try to bring mums attention to its plight? Questions we will never know the answer to.

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