
By mattleach

Scary Roller-coaster Ride of Parenthood


Gracie had a backwards step today that scared the life out of me. She had been fine all day and I popped in after work for a short visit but didn't stay long as I had to take Will to football training. Towards the end of training Lucy rang me to say Gracie's heart was going too fast and they were going to do an ECG on her. I quickly arranged a friend to sort Will out and dashed up the hospital in record time.

When I arrived there were now five nurses and doctors in our tiny room and all wires connected to little Gracie, I felt sick, my heart was pounding. You keep hearing whispers and numbers discussed but you just don't have a clue what's happening. They then decided they wanted to do blood tests and and an X Ray whilst you just sit there feeling helpless. They put her back into an incubator with oxygen(but not connected) and wheeled her in the the ICU room. We sat and waited for the results until midnight, terrified of what we may find out but everything happily came back clear and they said they would keep her in the incubator in ICU and speak to the doctor in the morning. I didn't sleep much...

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