Rainy Footsteps ...

... outside the Pompidou Center; I was returning after dark from from a visit to an exhibition of Brassaï's photos of graffiti  (the link is simply to images of them--I couldn't find a good page for the show, which was excellent). He took at least several hundred on the walls of Paris, mostly in working-class districts, and many at night--he's known most of all as a night phototographer--note the nocturnal blip :)  Brassaï (pseudonym of Gyula Halász,1899-1984) was Hungarian, but lived in Paris from the 1920s. 

The dog in the extra belongs to our concierge; earlier today he was waiting patiently while she took two large trash barrels, while I held the doors (I was impressed that he did not bark--he always does when I go to her door).

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